Senin, 07 Maret 2016

Manic Monday: TV Renewal Scorecard 2016

'Tis the season again. The TV year is slowly drawing to a close and the fate of our favorites is up in the air again. I for one have been chewing my nails awaiting for one or the other TV show to get renewed for weeks... 

Manic Monday is a time to motivate yourself for the coming week, but also a time to dread what's coming. The same rings true for TV show renewals. Every day another sucky TV show that should have ended years ago (all together now and scream it from the rooftops: G-R-E-Y'-S- A-N-A-T-O-M-Y!) is granted another season is another day of anxiety. Some shows have been prematurely renewed - does that mean the ax for my favorite show? With networks due to reveal their schedules for the 2016-2017 season soon, we once again share the neat little index TVLine creates every year. Keep checking back to learn about the fate of your shows in the

Fingers crossed your favorites get to live on and that you don't have to wait too long for the confirmation! Have a great week folks!

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