Senin, 15 Februari 2016

Manic Monday: Honest Oscar Posters 2016

© 20th Century Fox | Source:

Folks, it's Monday again and two weeks from today we'll all be talking about last night's (Feb 28) Academy Awards. This is a big night for the film industry and we've been preparing you all with reviews of the major nominees over the past few weeks. But today we are just not up for it. It's another one of those Manic Mondays and we don't feel like bullshitting anyone today. We therefore present you with the blunt truth about those fancy nominees in form of honest movie posters. So you can decide for yourself what all the fuss is about:

1. The Danish Girl

2. The Revenant

3. Brooklyn

4. Mad Max: Fury Road

5. Spotlight

So there you have it. Now you can at least pretend to have seen all the films once Oscar night comes along. And it only took you what? - like 3 minutes? Pretty good, eh? If you want to see more of those movie posters, you can visit the guys over at If you can't get enough of these movies, however, you might want to check out our in depth reviews on them by clicking right here and starting your week right ;)

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